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75754400, 77307730 – 2427
Хичээлийн байр 2-424[/fusion_person][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”3_4″ layout=”3_4″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” hover_type=”none” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” border_radius=”” box_shadow=”no” dimension_box_shadow=”” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no”][fusion_tabs design=”classic” layout=”horizontal” justified=”yes” backgroundcolor=”” inactivecolor=”” bordercolor=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” icon_size=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””][fusion_tab title=”Судалгааны чиглэл ” icon=””]Жижиг биет хөхтөн амьтан, хулан, мах идэшт шувууд, экосистемийн судалгаа.[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Бүтээл, нийтлэл” icon=””]1. Dunnum JL, Yanagihara R, Johnson KM, Armien B, Batsaikhan N, Morgan L, et al. (2017) Biospecimen Repositories and Integrated Databases as Critical Infrastructure for Pathogen Discovery and Pathobiology Research. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(1): e0005133. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0005133
2. Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar, Bazarsad Chimed-Ochir, Oidov Enkhtuya, Davaa Galbadrakh, Oyunsaikhan Ganbaatar, Badamjav Lkhagvasuren, Dejid Nandintsetseg, Joel Berger, Justin M. Calabrese, Anne E.Edwards, William F. Fagan, Todd K. Fuller, Michael Heiner, Takehiko Y. Ito, Petra Kaczensky, Peter Leimgruber, Anna Lushchekina, E.J. Milner-Gulland, Thomas Mueller, Martin G. Murray, Kirk A. Olson, Richard Reading, George B. Schaller, Annagret Stubbe, Michael Stubbe, Chris Walzer, Henrik von Wehrden and Tony Whitten (2014). Conserving the World’s Finest Grassland Amidst Ambitious National Development. J. Conservation Biology. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.12297/
3. B.A. Kohli, K.A. Speer, C.W. Kilpatrick, N. Batsaikhan; D. Damdinbazar and J.A. Cook (2014). Multilocus systematics and non-punctuated evolution of Holarctic Myodini (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Journal of Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 76: 18-29 S.Guenther, K.Aschenbrenner, I.Stamm, A.Bethe, T.Semmler, A.Stubbe, M.Stubbe, N.Batsajkhan, Y.Glupczynski, L.H.Wieler, Ch.Ewers. 2012. Comparable high rates of extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in birds of prey from Germany and Mongolia. Plos one, vol. 7, Issue 12:1-5, e53039
4. Frey R., A. Gebler, K.A.Olson, D.Odonkhuu, G.Fritsch, N.Batsaikhan, and I.Stuermer. 2008. Mobile larynx in Mongolian gazelle: Retraction of the larynx during rutting barks in male Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas, 1777). Journal of Morphology, 269:1223-1237
5. S.L.Gardner, N.A.Seggerman, N.Batsaikhan, S.Ganzorig, D.S.Tinnin, and D.W.Duszynski. (2009). Coccidia (Apicomlexa: Eimeriidae) from the Lagomorph Lepus tolai in Mongolia. Journal of Parasitology. 95(6): 1451-1454
6. Ethan T. Jensen, David S. Tinnin, Batsaikhan Nyamsuren, and Scott L. Gardner. 2015. Coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) Infecting Gerbils from Mongolia with Descriptions of Four New Species of Eimeria. Comparative Parasitology 82(1):68-80.
7. T.Datzmann, D.Dolch, N.Batsaikhan, A.Kiefer, M.Helbig-Bonitz, U.Zoephel, M.Stubbe and F.Mayer. 2012. Cryptic diversity in Mongolian vespertilionid bats (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia). Acta Chiropterologica, 14 (2): 243-264
8. Joseph Cook, Kurt Galbreath, Kayce Bell, Mariel Campbell, Suzanne Carrière, Jocelyn P Colella, Natalie G Dawson, Jonathan L Dunnum, Ralph P Eckerlin, Stephen E Greiman, Vadim Fedorov, Genevieve MS Haas, Voitto Haukisalmi, Heikki Henttonen, Andrew G Hope, Donavan Jackson, Tom Jung, Anson V Koehler, John M Kinsella, Dianna Kresja, Susan J Kutz, Schuyler Liphardt, Stephen O MacDonald, Jason L Malaney, Arseny Makarikov, Jon Martin, Bryan S McLean, Robert Mulders, Batsaikhan Nyamsuren, Sandra L Talbot, Vasyl Tkach, Albina Tsvetkova, Heather Toman, Eric C Waltari, Jackson S Whitman, Eric P Hoberg (2017). Arctic Museum Collections–Special Issue The Beringian Coevolution Project: Holistic Collections of Mammals and Associated Parasites Reveal Novel Perspectives on Evolutionary and Environmental Change in the North. Arctic Science, 10.1139/AS-2016-0042..
9. M.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan, O.Lindecke, R.Samjaa and A.Stubbe (2016). New data on feeding ecology of Bubo bubo and Asio otus (Aves: Strigidae) in Mongolia. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol.12:301-312
10. D.M.Tufts, N.Batsaikhan, M.Pitner, G.R.Racz, A.T.Dursaikhan and S.L.Gardner (2016). Identification of Taenia Metacestodes from Mongolian mammals using multivariate morphometrics of the rostellar hooks. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol.16: 361-376
11. K. Kawashima, B. Hoshino, M. Sawamukai, S. Ganzorig, , M. Asakawa and N. Batsaikhan and C. Augugliaro. 2013. Ecosystem engineering role of Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandti) in overgrazing steppe of Mongolia. Journal of Japanese Society of Grassland Science, 59 (3): 217-220
12. K.Schoepke, A.Stubbe, M.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan and R.Schafberg. 2012. Morphology and variation of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus hemionus). Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol.12: 77-84
13. A.Stubbe, M.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan, S. Gombobaatar, T.Stenzel, H. von Wehrden, Sh.Boldbaatar, B.Nyambayar, D.Sumjaa, R.Samjaa, N. Ceveenmyadag & A.Bold (2010). Brutareale und Brutbiologie der Greivogelarten der Mongolei. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale) Germany, vol.11: 23-175 J.Gahsche, M.Stubbe, M.Opfermann, N.Batsajchan, A.Stubbe (2010). Characteristics of Mongolian Wild Ass hooves (Equus hemionus hemionus). Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), Germany, vol.11: 299-307
14. I.Scheffler, D.Dolch, J.Ariunbold, N.Batsaikhan, A.Abraham & K.Thiele (2010). Ectoparasites of bats in Mongolia (Ischnopsyllidae, Nycteribiidae, Cimicidae and Spinturnicidae). Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), Germany, vol.11: 367 381 Samiya R., N. Batsaikhan. 2010. Mammals of steppe and desert zone in Mongolia and related conservation problems. Biological diversity and nature Conservation: Theory and practice for teaching. Eds: J.Spellerberg, M.Muehlenberg and Yu. Dgebuadze. KMK Scientific Press Ltd, Moscow. 2010. p. 144-155.
15. K. Kawashima, B. Hoshino, S. Ganzorig, M. Sawamukai, M. Asakawa and N. Batsaikhan. 2012. Cooperative guild and spatial heterogeneity in habitat of small mammals in the mountain steppe of Mongolia. Journal of Rakuno Gakuen University, 36 (2): 357-362 Stubbe A., M.Stubbe and N.Batsaikhan. 2007. Morphology, reproduction and mortality of Equus hemionus hemionus in Mongolia. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 10: 117-132
16. Ansorge H., A.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan, R.Samjaa and M.Stubbe. 2007. Assessment of non-metric skull characters and age determination in the Asiatic Wild Ass Equus hemionus – a methodological approach. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 10: 133-142
17. Dolch D., N.Batsaikhan, K.Thiele, F.Burger, I.Scheffler, A.Kiefer, F.Mayer, R.Samjaa, A.Stubbe, M.Stubbe, L.Krall and D.Steinhauser. 2007. Contribution to the Chiroptera of Mongolia with first evidences on species communities and ecological niches. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 10: 407-458
18. Stubbe A., M.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan, R.Samjaa, E.Driechziarc, R.Driechziarc, A.Schonert and M.Winter (2007). Euchoreutes naso Sclater, 1890-ein Saeugetier-Endemit Zentralasiens. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 10: 471-486
19. Stubbe M., A.Stubbe, H.von Wehrden, N.Batsaikhan and R.Samjaa. 2007. Biodiversity in space and time- towards grid mapping for Mongolia. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 10: 391-406
20. E. Schulz, T.M.Kaiser, A. Stubbe, M. Stubbe, R. Samjaa, N. Batsajchan, J. Wussow. 2007. Comparative demography and dietary resource partitioning of two wild ranging Asiatic equid populations. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol.10: 77-90
21. M. Stubbe, A. Stubbe, O.Shagdarsuren, N. Batsajchan and R. Samjaa. 2007. Quo vadis Equus hemionus hemionus in Mongolia? Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol.10: 9-28
22. Stubbe A., M.Stubbe, N.Batsaikhan, R.Samjaa and S.Dorjderem., 2005. First results of Wild Ass research in the South Gobi Aymag/ Mongolia in 2003 and 2004. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale), vol. 9: 107-120
23. Tinnin D., J.Dunnum, J.Salazar-Bravo, N.Batsaikhan, M.Burt, S.Gardner and T.Yates., 2002.
Contributions to the Mammalogy of Mongolia, with a checklist of Species for the Country. Special publication the Museum of Southwestern Biology, 6:1-38
24. Scott L. Gardner, Altangerel T. Dursahinhan, Gábor R. Rácz, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Sumiya Ganzorig, David S. Tinnin, Darmaa Damdinbazar, Charles Wood, A. Townsend Peterson, Erika Alandia, José LuisMollericona, and Jorge Salazar-Bravo. 2013. Sylvatic Species of Echinococcus from Rodent Intermediate Hosts in Asia and South America. Museum of Texas Tech University, No 318: 1 13
25. Davaa Lkhagvasuren, Nyamsuren Batsaikhan, Ravchig Samiya, Renate Schafberg, Anne Stubbe, Michael Stubbe and Hermann Ansorge. 2015. Morphological Approach to Genetic Variability of the Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus) Using Non-metric Skull Characters. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, Volume 13 (1-2)
26. S.Shar, N.Batsaikhan, D.Dolch, S.L.Gardner, V.S.Lebedev, D.Lkhagvasuren, U.Menz, R.Samiya and H.Ansorge. 2015. First report on the herb field mouse, Apodemus uralensis (Pallas, 1811) from Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 13 (1-2): 35-42
27. Batsaikhan, N., B.Mijiddorj, Sh.Boldbaatar, L.Amgalan., 2004. The Gobi Bear in Great Gobi SPA. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences vol.2 (1): 55-60
28. N.Batsaikhan and M.Stubbe. 2008. Status of Mongolian Ground-jay in Southern and Eastern Gobi deserts of Mongolia. Scientific proceedings of the Institute of Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. 27: 43-46 (in mongolian)
29. Амгалан Л., Б.Мижиддорж, Н.Батсайхан, Д.Цэнджав, Ш.Болдбаатар, 2005. Мазаалай баавгай (Ursus gobiensis)-н тоо толгойн өнөөгийн байдал. БXЭШБүтээл, 25:65-69
30. Batsaikhan N., A.Bold, S. Dorjderem., 2005. Distribution range of the Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata macqueenii Gray, 1832) in Mongolia. Proceedings of the Mongolian bird research Foundation. Ulaanbaatar, vol. 2: 105-115 (in mongolian)
31. Н.Батсайхан, М.Штуббе (2008). Монгол хулан жороо (Podоcеs hendеrsоni Hume, 1871)-ийн Өмнөд болон Дорнод Говь дахь төлөв байдал. Биологийн Хүрээлэн ЭШ Бүтээл, Улаанбаатар, 27: 39-42 С.Амарсайхан, Б.Нямбаяр, Н.Батсайхан (2008). Цайвар үлийчийн (Lasiopodoтys brandti Radde, 1861) биеийн жингийн улирлын өөрчлөлт. Биологийн хүрээлэн ЭШ Бүтээл, Улаанбаатар, 27: 33-37
32. Batsaikhan N. 2010. Conservation and management of wildlife, the Environmental changes and Pastoralist Culture in Mongolia. Nagoya University, School of Culture.
33. Batsaikhan N., R.Samiya, S.Ganzorig, S.L.Gardner & L.A.Ruedas (2009). Review of the mammals of Mongolia. IMC 10, Mendoza, Argentina
34. N. Batsaikhan, B. Chimed-Ochir, D. Sanjmyatav, M. Stubbe, B.Lkhagvasuren, A. Stubbe, S. Gardner, S. Ganzorig, S. Dorjderem, and R. Samiya (2012). Biodiversity and mining development in southern and south-eastern Gobi Desert of Mongolia. International Symposium “ Biodiversity research in Mongolia” Halle (Saale), Germany, 25-29 March, 2012
35. N. Batsaikhan, M. Stubbe, A. Stubbe, S. Gardner, D. Tinnin and S. Ganzorig (2012).
Biodiversity of small mammals in Galba and Borzon Gobi Deserts, southern Mongolia. International Symposium “Biodiversity research in Mongolia” Halle (Saale), Germany, 25-29 March, 2012
36. N. Batsaikhan, U. Zoephel, R. Samiya, M. Stubbe and N. Bandi (2012). Small mammal communities and their dynamics in Hustai National Park, Central Mongolia. International Symposium “Biodiversity research in Mongolia” Halle (Saale), Germany, 25-29 March, 2012
37. Batsaikhan N. 2004. Brandt’s vole and its role in the Steppe Ecosystem. Proceeding of the International Workshop on Brandt’s vole management. 35-46[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Төсөл ” icon=””]1. Монгол орны Хөхтөн амьтны Улаан данс. (2006). Ред. С.Дуламцэрэн, J.E.M.Baillie, Н.Батсайхан, Р.Самъяа, М.Stubbe. Admon хэвлэлийн газар, Улаанбаатар, 164 хуудастай
2. Монгол улсын Хөхтөн амьтны хамгааллын төлөвлөгөөний эмхэтгэл. (2006). Ред. E.L.Clark, Ж.Мөнхбат, С.Дуламцэрэн, J.E.M.Baillie, Н.Батсайхан, S.R.B.King, Р.Самъяа, М.Stubbe, Admon хэвлэлийн газар, Улаанбаатар, 97 хуудастай
3. M.Heiner, Yu.Bayarjargal, J.Kiesecker, D. Galbadrakh, N.Batsaikhan, G.Munkhzul, 1.Odonchimeg, O.Enkhtuya, D.Enkhbat, Н. von Werden, R.Reading, K.Olson, R.Jackson, J.Evans, B.McKenney, J.Oakleaf & K.Sochi. 2013. Identifying Conservation Priorities in the face of future development: applying development by design in the Mongolian Gobi. TNC Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Admon Publishing
4. B.Chimed-Ochir, T.Hertzman, N.Batsaikhan, D.Batbold, D.Sanjmyatav, Yo.Onon and B.Munkhchuluun (2010). Filling the Gaps: to protect the Biodiversity of Mongolia. WWF
Mongolia, Admon Printing House, Ulaanbaatar, 134 pp.
5. H. Barcaéxah, K. Yumor (2016). Tycra, xamraamajtaŭ razap Hytar xoopohäbIH 50JOH зэрлэг амьтны нүүдэл, амьдрах орчны холбоос нутгийн хамгаалал, эрхзүйн орчин. XonnuYYNTHÉs taéšah, UNDP Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.
6. UNDP Mongolia, Biodiversity of Eastern Mongolia project: Brandt’s vole distribution pattern in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia, 1999-2002 years.
7. Tolgoi LLC and WCS Mongolia: A project on hulan or Mongolian wild ass mortality cause in Galba and Eastern Gobi areas, 2013-2016 years.
8. Oyu Tolgoi LLC, a Project on threatened small mammal community structure and distribution in Galba Gobi area 2012-2013 years.
9. Rio Tinto and TNC Mongolia: Ecosystem classification and potential habitat model of threatened species in South Gobi Desert of Mongolia, 2011-2013 years.
10. TNC, Ecosystem classification and potential habitat model of threatened species in Mongol-Altai and Northern Gobi Eco-regions, 2013-2017 years.
11. WWF Mongolia: Filling the GAPS to protect the Biodiversity of Mongolia, 2009-2010 years.
12. Nebraska-Lincoln University, New Mexico University, USA and National University of Mongolia, National Science Foundation, USA: A Project on vertebrate diversity and their parasites in Gobi Desert regions of Mongolia, 2009-2012 years.
13. New Mexico University and Northern Michigan University, USA and National University of Mongolia, National Science Foundation, USA: A Project on small mammal diversity and their parasites in Mongol Altai and Hangai regions of Mongolia, 2015-2016 years.
14. Halle-Wittenberg University of Germany and National University of Mongolia, GIZ and DFG: A project on long-term monitoring of hulan’s or Mongolian wild ass mortality cause and raptors nest site in southern and south-eastern Gobi Desert of Mongolia, 2001-2007 years.[/fusion_tab][/fusion_tabs][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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