Зохиолч | Номын нэр | Он | Тоо ширхэг |
Joseph E.Stiglitz | Economics of the public sector | ||
Floyd J. Fowler, Jr | Survey Research Methods | ||
A.Colin Cameron, Pravin K.Trivedi | Microeconometrics methods and applications | ||
Micheal Burda, Charles Wyplosz | Macroeconomics | ||
Stephen L.Slavin | Introduction to Economics | ||
Ecott J. Callan, Janet M. Thomas | Environmental economics & Management /Theory, Policy, and applications/ | ||
William E.Griffiths, R.Carter Hill, George G. Judge | Learning and Practicing Econometrics | ||
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge | Introductory Econometrics | ||
Rudiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fischer | Macroeconomics | ||
Dr.M.Fogiel, Director | The Economics Problem Solver | ||
Stephen J.Bailey | Public Sector Economics | ||
Peter J.Montiel | Development Macroeconomics | ||
Michael P.Todaro, Stephen C.Smith | Economic Development | ||
Mordechai E.Kreinin | International Economics | ||
Olivier Blanchard | Macroeconomics | ||
Olivier Blanchard | Macroeconomics | ||
Carl E.Walsh | Monetary Theory and Policy | ||
Campbell R.McConnell, Stanley L.Brue | Economics /Principles, problems, and policies | ||
Fabio Canova | Methods for applied Macroeconomic research | ||
William H.Branson | Macroeconomic /theory and policy | ||
James D.Hamilton | TimeSeries Analysis | ||
Journal of Development Economics | |||
Andreu Mas-Colell, Micheal D. Whinston and Jerry R.Green | Microeconomic Theory | ||
John Williamson | The Open Economy and the World Economy | ||
Stanley K.Smith, Jeff Tayman, David A Swanson | State and Local Population Projections | ||
John Bates Clark | Essentials of Economic Theary as applied to modern Problems, of Industry and Public Policy | ||
Introduction to Economic Growth | |||
A.P.Thirlwall | Economics of development | ||
Richard A.Johnson, Dean W. Wichern | Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis | ||
Geoffrey A.Jehle, Philip J.Reny | Advanced Microeconomic theory | ||
Christopher T.S.Ragan, Richard G.Lipsey | Microeconomics | ||
Costas Azariadis | Intertemporal Macroeconomics | ||
H.Gravelle, R Rees | Microeconomics | ||
Hendrik S. Houthakker, Peter J.Williamson | The Economics of Financial Market | ||
Gerald M.Meier | leading Issues in Economic Development | ||
Raghbendra Jha | Macroeconomics for Developing Countries | ||
Dimitris Stevis and Valerie J.Assetto | The International Political Economy of the Environment | ||
Claude Menard and Mary M.Shirley | Handbook of New Institutional Economics | ||
The American Economics Review vol 80-86 | 1990-1996 | 23 | |
The Economic Journal 1957, 1966, 1996-2012 | 1996-2012 | 87 | |
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas city | Economic review 1995-2004, 2008 | 1995-2008 | 28 |
American Economic Association | The Journal of Economic Perspectives vol 4-10 | 1990-1996 | 25 |
Институти Экономики РАН | Вопросы Экономики 1993, 2000, 2001 | 1993-2001 | 8 |
UNDP | Доклад о Развитий Человека 1996, 2002, 2004 | 1996-2004 | 5 |
UNDP | Human Development Report 1990-1995, 2002, 2004 | 1990-2004 | 12 |
E.Porter | Plowing the Seat | 1997 | 21 |
Отделение Экономики Академия наук СССР | Политическая Экономия 1, 2, 3 | 1972-1979 | 3 |
Карл Маркс | Капитал | 1983-1985 | 4 |
The American Economics Association | Journal of Economic Literature | 1995-1996 | 6 |
The Manchester School | 1995-2004 | 42 | |
The Academic of International Business | Journal of International Business Studies | 1998-1999 | 4 |
Institute for Scientfic Co-Operation Tubingen | Economics | 1993-1997 | 5 |
Монгол банк | Судалгааны ажил No 11, 14, 2005 | 2016, 2019 | 13 |
Монгол банк | Төрөөс мөнгөний бодлогын талаар 2018 онд баримтлах үндсэн чиглэлийн төсөл | 2017 | 3 |
Монгол банк | Жилийн тайлан | 2018 | 14 |
Монгол банк | Жилийн тайлан | 1998-2007 | 28 |
Монгол банк | Төрөөс мөнгөний бодлогын талаар 2010 онд баримтлах үндсэн чиглэлийн төсөл | 2009 | 1 |
Монгол банк | Эдийн засаг, санхүүгийн нэр томьёоны тайлбар | 2015 | 12 |
John M. Barron, Gerald J. Lynch | Economics second edition Study guide | 1989 | 5 |
Stephen L. Slavin | Introduction to Economics second edition | 1991 | 2 |
Arthur Denzau | Microeconomic Analisys | 1992 | 5 |
Pindyk & Rubinfeld | Microeconomic | 1989 | 2 |
МУИС, Эдийн засгийн сургууль | Төв Азийн шилжилтийн эдийн засагтай орнуудад тулгарч буй асуудлууд | 2007 | 8 |
Albert Tuinhof, Buyankhishig Nemer | Mongolia Groundwater Assessment of the Southern Gobi Region | 2010 | 1 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Regional Conference on Poverty Related Core Data Needs For the Asia-Pacific Region | 1998 | 1 |
НҮБ-ийн Хүн Амын Сан | Дунд хугацааны тайлан 1997-2001 | 2000 | 1 |
Всемирный банк | Государство в меняющемся | 1997 | 1 |
John S. Morton & Rae Jean B. Goodman | Advenced Placement Economics Microeconomic: student activities 3rd edition | 2003 | 1 |
НҮБ | Монгол улс: Үйлдвэр, худалдааны хөгжлийн бодлогын судалгаа | 2002 | 1 |
Монголын гаалийн ерөнхий газар | Гааль | 2009, 2010 | 7 |
Regional Development Initiative | Rational Allocation of Local Budget Revenues | 2009 | 2 |
Януша Ширмера | The Barter Economy: Non-Monetary Transactions in Ukraine's Budget Sector | 2000 | 1 |
Ж.Доржпүрэв, Д.Дэлгэрмаа | Bibliography of Materials relatad to energy issues in Mongolia | 2010 | 1 |
P.Luvsandorj | Transitional economics: The Mongolian Pattern and Experience | 1999 | 1 |
БНМАУ Улсын хэвлэлийн газар | БНМАУ-ын авто тээвэр | 1985 | 1 |
Challenge The Magazine of Economic Affairs vol 43-45 | 2000-2002 | 10 | |
Asian Development Bank | Asian Development Outlook 2012 | 2012 | 1 |
Asian Development Bank | ADB Economics Working Paper Series Part2 | 2012 | 3 |
Asian Development Bank | Framework of Inclusive Growth Indicators 2nd edition | 2012 | 1 |
Дэлхийн эдийн засгийн форум | Дэлхий дахины өсөлтийн чадварын тайлан 2005-2006 | 2005 | 1 |
Zhivko Nenov & Teresa Fabiano | A Guide to Privatization Tenders | 2004 | 1 |
Гюнтер Шээр, Лукас фон Цалингер | Кластерийн менежмент Тэргүүн дэвтэр: Сүлжээ ба хамтын ажиллагаа | 2011 | 1 |
Гюнтер Шээр, Лукас фон Цалингер | Кластерийн менежмент Дэд дэвтэр: Кластерын арга хэрэгслүүд | 2011 | 1 |
David M. Kreps | Game theory and Economic Modelling Хуулбар | 1990 | 1 |
Ayush Nyam | National Occupational Safety and Health Profile of Mongolia | 2006 | 1 |
Гражданское право и государство Экономические аспекты | 2002 | ||
ААШДХ, Зориг сан, БНОУХ | Сайн засаглал олон улсын бага хурлын илтгэүүд | 2002 | 1 |
Российская Академия Наук | США экономика политика идеология ежемесячный журнал No 1, 2 | 1995 | 1 |
Российская Академия Наук | Мировая экономика и международные отнощиния No 5 | 1995 | |
Кирк В. Элифсон | Нийгмийн статискийн үндэс | 2002 | 1 |
Korea Mongolia Cooperation Association | Korea and Mongolia Toward Common Prosperity in the 21st Century | 1998 | 1 |
Россиский Экономический журнал No 5 | 1992 | 1 | |
Capital bank | Capital bank annual report | 2010 | 1 |
Trade & Development bank | Trade & Development bank Annual report | 2008 | 1 |
Trade & Development bank | Жинхэнэ ба хуурамч доллар | 2001 | 1 |
Нээлттэй нийгэм форум | Уул уурхайн орлогын менежментийн макро бодлого ба институциональ тогтолцоо | 2010 | 1 |
UNDP | Biological diversity in Mongolia | 1998 | 1 |
Gerard A. Paquette | Instructor's Manual structured cobol revised edition | 1989 | 1 |
IMF Institute | Financial programming and policy the case of Hungary | 1992 | 1 |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Recovery and Reform Transition report 2010 | 2010 | 1 |
Peter B. Kenen | The International Economy second edition | 1989 | 1 |
Richard M. Bird & Oliver Oldman | Taxation in Developing countries fourth edition | 1990 | 1 |
Masahiko Aoki & Hyung-Ki Kim | Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies | 1995 | 3 |
Vito Tanzi | Fiscal Policies in Economies in Transition | 1995 | 1 |
Вито Танзи | Налогово-бюджетная политика в странах с экономикой переходного периода | 1993 | 1 |
International Monetary Fund | Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF | 1990 | 1 |
Juan Jimeno & Luiis Toharia | Unemployment and Labour Market flexibility Spain | 1994 | 1 |
Stephany Griffith-Jones & Jacques Cailloux | Encoraging the Longer Term: Institutional Invstors and Emerging Markets | 1999 | 1 |
Gang Yi | Money, Banking and Financial Markets in China | 1994 | 1 |
International bank for Reconstruction and Development | The World Bank's Role in the Electric Power Sector | 1993 | 1 |
Leszek Balcerwicz | Socialism Capitalism Transformation | 1995 | 1 |
International Monetary Fund | Financial policy workshops the case of Kenya | 1985 | 1 |
Ludwig von Mises | Economic freedom and Interventionism An Anthology of Articles and Essays | 1990 | 1 |
Robert B. Carson | Macro Economic issues today Alternitive approaches | 1987 | 2 |
Монголын хөгжлийн судлалыг дэмжих төв | Монголын хөгжлийн стратеги онол практикийн хандлагууд | 1999 | 2 |
С.Ганбаатар | Элдэншүүлэггүй тариалан гарын авлага орчуулга | 1 | |
ЗГХА Хөдөлмөр, халамж үйлчилгээний газар | Мэргэжилийн ур чадварын шалгалтын тухай хууль тогтоомж бусад эрх зүйн актын эмхтгэл | 2006 | 2 |
МУЗГ Хэрэг эрхлэх газар | Удирдлагын хөгжлийн хөтөлбөр бодлого болон үйл ажиллагааны төлөвлөөгөө | 1995 | 1 |
United Nations Coference on Trade and Development | World investment report | 1998 | 2 |
Монголын хөрөнгийн бирж | Хөрөнгийн зах зээлийг зохицуулах эрхийн актууд | 1998 | 1 |
Монгол улсын сангийн яам | Санхүү эдийн засгийн мэдээлэл | 2005 | 4 |
Frederic Bastiat | Economic Harmonies | 1996 | 1 |
Ross H. McLeod and Ross Garnaut | East Asia in Crisis from being a miracle to needing one? | 1998 | 1 |
E. Philip Davis | Pension Funds Retirement income security and capital markets an international perspective | 1995 | 1 |
John R. Lampe | Creating Capital Markets in Eastern Europe | 1992 | 1 |
Стандартчилал, хэмжилзүйн үндэсний төв | Мал эмнэлэг, Ариун цэврийн шинжилгээний аргын стандарт | 1998 | 1 |
Kumiharu Shigehara | Price Stabilization in the 1990s | 1993 | 1 |
Монгол улсын шинжлэх ухааны академи | Монгол улсын үндэсний хөжлийн хөтөлбөрийн танилцуулга | 2003 | 1 |
John Vickers & George Yarrow | Privatization an Economic Analysis | 1989 | 1 |
Richard M. Bird & Milka Casanegra de Jantscher | Improving tax administration in developing countries | 1992 | 1 |
V. Sundararajan and Tomas J.T. Balino | Banking criese: Cases and issues | 1991 | 1 |
Stephen Holmes & Cass R. Sunstein | The Cost of rights Why liberty depends on taxes | 1999 | 1 |
Carol Solic Whittaker | Penn statements A Magazine of Student writing from Rhetoric and Composition | 2006 | 1 |
H. K. Colebatch | Policy | 1998 | 1 |
Industrial zone and Export Processing Zone in Vietnam second edition | 1997 | 1 | |
Joseph Prokopenko & Igor Pavlin | Entrepreneurship development in public enterprises | 1991 | 1 |
Paul A. Samuelson & William D. Nordhaus | Macroeconomics | 1989 | 4 |
Ravi Ramamurti & Raymond Vernom | Privatization and control of state-owned enterprises | 1991 | 2 |
Zeljko Bogetic & Arye L. Hillman | Financing Government in the Transition: Bulgaria | 1995 | 1 |
Simon Commander, Qimiao Fan, Mark E. Schaffer | Enterprise Restructuring and Economic poicy in Russia | 1996 | 1 |
Nicholas Barr | The Economics of the welfare state second edition | 1993 | 1 |
Asian Development Bank | Emerging Asia Changes and Challenges | 1997 | 1 |
Westerm Economic Association International | Economic inpuiry | 1994 | 1 |
Ohio state university press | Journal of money, credit and banking vol 3, No 2 | 1971 | 1 |
Жеймс П. Райзер. Ph.D, Гарри Волланс, М.А | Монгол улсын эрчим хүчний салбарын тогтвортой хөгжлийн стратегид /2003-2010/ оруулах хувь нэмэр | 2002 | 4 |
Korea Development Intitute | Public finance reform in the asia pacific 2 | 1998 | 1 |
Korea Development Intitute | Social Implications of the Asian Financial Crisis 9 | 1998 | 1 |
Korea Development Intitute | Poverty Alleviation 8 | 1998 | 1 |
Korea Development Intitute | Setting up electronic databases 6 | 1998 | 1 |
Statistical techniques in business and economics seventh edition | 1990 | 2 | |
Ludwig von Mises | Socialism | 1981 | 1 |
Ben Slay | De-monopolization and Competition Policy in Post-Communist Economies | 1969 | 1 |
Robert B. Ekelund, JR & Robert D. Tollison | Study guide Macroeconomics Private markets and public choice sixth edition | 2000 | 1 |
Robert B. Ekelund, JR & Robert D. Tollison | Macroeconomics Private markets and public choice sixth edition | 2000 | 1 |
Guy R. Lefrancois | The lifespan sixth edition | 1 | |
Хар нуур-Ховд голын сав газрын усны нөөц, байгаль, нийгэм-эдийн засаг, хууль эрхзүйн суурь судалгааны эмхтгэл | 2010 | 1 | |
Gary K. Vallen, Jerome J.Vallen | Check-in Check-out sixth edition | 2000 | 1 |
Roger LeRoy Miller | Economics today the macro view 2001-2002 edition | 2001 | 1 |
James R. Stock & Douglas M. Lambert | Strategic logistics management fourth edition | 2001 |
Чухал холбоосууд
Эдийн засгийн тэнхимийн ээлжит семинар
Б.Батмөнх багшдаа баяр хүргэе.
Эдийн засгийн тэнхимийн ээлжит семинар